Success Story

Success Story: 24/7 Body Central

LOCK HAVEN — 24/7 Body Central gym in Lock Haven is thriving because of a Lock Haven resident’s entrepreneurial vision that the area needed a gym open at all hours.

Michelle McCain started it at 426 Bellefonte Ave. when she saw that need in the area, and decided to fulfill it. At three years in, they are over 300 members strong and growing every day. Membership is for people ages 14 and older.

“It’s rewarding to help people get healthy,” McCain said.

Being a business owner can be stressful, too, at times – like when her heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system went out.

SEDA-Council of Governments’ (SEDA-COG) Business Finance Department, in partnership with Clinton County, helped provide the funding to replace the HVAC system. She said the $12,450 Clinton County Revolving Loan was the kind of financing she was looking for.

“The interest rates are very attractive and the monthly payments are good, especially for being a small business owner,” McCain said.

SEDA-COG staff helped her through the process with expertise.

“Ray (Haden) did an awesome job getting it put together. He was on top of things and knew how to get it done. He did an excellent job of securing the funds I needed to complete the HVAC system,” she said.

Her future plans are focused on the current gym and growing it.

SEDA-COG’s Business Finance staff can help find the loan that’s right for you. Contact us today to start a partnership at 570-524-4491 or